As Thanksgiving approaches, I like to take some time to consider the things for which I am thankful...
A husband who is truly my other half and supportive in ways he doesn't even know
My children...who wonder, think, laugh, play and have kind generous hearts at such a young age
Colleagues who smile at work even when things get tough
My dad...who has shown me the importance of standing up for what I believe in...even if it isn't popular at the time
My sister...who always has my matter what!
Teachers who love to have powerful conversations about learning and see the importance of still growing as teachers/learners
Friends who keep close even when life gets crazy
The promise a new day brings to see the good in the world
Above all, I am thankful that the work we do as teachers, can make a huge impact on the future.
For these things...and more, I am thankful!
SOL Tuesday
Welcome back to the weekly Slice of Life! Write what’s on your
mind, share your links below, and give some comment love to your online
colleagues. Don’t fo...
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