Friday, December 18, 2009

The Gift of Time

Time. There is never enough of it and sometimes it seems to drag on slowly but it is always an issue wherever I am. At school, I hurry up and rush or don't have enough time. At the doctor's office, it seems like I am waiting FOREVER! Time off for vacation is my favorite use of time!

So, this holiday season, I decided to give my fellow teachers the gift of time...30 minutes to do whatever they need to do while I go in and have time with their students. It works out great both ways...they have a break and I get my "teaching kids" fix.

As I was crafting this idea in my head, I can across a poem by Michelle Hyde about time.

There is...
A time to write,
A time to listen,
A time to learn,
A time to play.

A time to read,
A time to see,
A time to lead,
A time to sleep.

A time to be happy,
A time to be mad,
A time to be silly,
A time to be sad.

A time to wake,
A time to stay,
A time to talk,
A time to walk.

A time for help,
A time for hurt,
A time to scheme,
A time to dream.

A time to make a difference,
A time to love,
A time to try,
A time to die.

A time to wonder,
A time to want,
A time to live,
A time to do something.

There is always going to be a time,
But will you do something when that time comes?

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